Facilitator / Journeys of Transformation

One-by-One, Inc.

Transforming the Legacies of Conflict, War and Genocide through Dialogue

1x1GroupCircleOne-by-One, Inc. is a non-profit organization founded by those whose lives have been deeply affected by the Holocaust. Our membership is multi-generational consisting of Holocaust survivors, and their descendants; perpetrators, bystanders, resisters and their descendants; as well as concerned individuals. Although rooted in the Holocaust, our work now extends to other polarized groups. As we listen to each other’s stories we learn that we are sensitive to many of the same issues. Together we seek to bear witness to the realities of war and genocide from our diverse perspectives and to take it upon ourselves to work for a more peaceful world.

“We learned the value of multi-partiality in dialogue, remembering that there is no life without suffering, especially in war, and that the journey to healing may begin with a single phrase: ‘yes, this tragedy happened, 1 acknowledge your experience. I accept your truth…’ Muslims, Serbs, Jews and Germans…wove a new story from their intertwined histories, this one committed to honesty, introspection, civic responsibility and compassion.”

Dr. Paula GreenProject Diacom, following One-by-One’s visit to Bosnia 2001

Rosalie & Martina Emme, Descendant of Holocaust Survivor and descendant of Nazi Perpetrator

Rosalie & Martina Emme

“One by one we pick up the pieces of devastation and one by one we identify those who perished in genocide and war. One by one we seek out the humanity in one another’s stories of pain, guilt, fear and loss. As the stories resound within us, the burdens are lightened and we begin to transform the impact of our legacies, offering hope to future generations.”

R. Gerut

“The impact of One-by-One’s work goes far beyond it’s own membership. Members are helping to heal one of the deepest wounds in our collective psyche. They are the teachers for a new generation of peacemakers. We are all the beneficiaries of their courage and wisdom.”

Judith Thompson, Co-Founder, Children of War

Learn more about One-by-One, Inc.

How The Light Gets In

One by One, Inc. film trailer by Nick Vass; Produced by Sascha Schneider